Waheed Baloch

Waheed Baloch is a talented author contributing to infosects.com, a reputable informational platform. With a passion for writing, Waheed has established himself as a valuable member of the InfoSects team. Known for his insightful articles, Waheed's writing covers a wide range of topics, including business, finance, education, and sports. His engaging and well-researched content provides readers with valuable information and perspectives. Waheed Baloch's dedication to delivering high-quality articles reflects his commitment to ensuring that readers receive reliable and interesting content. Through his work, Waheed contributes to the growth and success of InfoSects as a prominent online source of information.
221 Articles

Education in Balochistan in Multiple Crisis

Balochistan, the backbone of Pakistan, is suffering from numerous issues, one of

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Students’ dilemma

Students’ dilemmaWhenever one hears the name of Balochistan, his mind diverts towards

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Contribution of Technology in Education

Contribution of Technology in EducationTechnology plays a vital role in our daily

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Cleanliness is Half of Faith

The state of being cleaned or the habit of keeping things clean

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

COVID-19, 2020 and Students from Pakistan

COVID-19, 2020 and Students from PakistanThe year 2020 had been the worst

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Favouritism of Teacher

Favouritism of TeacherA teacher is a person who helps students to acquire

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Education is the symbol of death for Baloch?

Education is the symbol of death for Baloch?As it is a matter

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

The Default Mode Network

The Default Mode NetworkThe default mode network is a set brain area

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

HIV in Pakistan

HIV in Pakistan The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is increasing more on daily

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch

Save polio team

Save polio teamPolio workers are the ones who work hard to provide

Waheed Baloch Waheed Baloch