Horror Classic '28 Days Later' Gets a Thrilling Sequel: '28 Years Later'

Some exciting news for fans of the 2002 zombie thriller "28 Days Later" as a new sequel, "28 Years Later" is in the works, with Danny Boyle and Alex Garland reuniting for the project. 

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As per The Hollywood Reporter The plan is to potentially turn it into a trilogy with each film costing around $75 million.

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The film is said to not be a straightforward sequel but a new installment in the franchise, with a different timeline.

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The project has been in discussions for some time, with titles like "28 Months Later" being considered before settling on "28 Years Later."

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The original "28 Days Later" had a significant impact on the horror genre, also playing a crucial role in boosting the careers of Boyle and lead actor Cillian Murphy.

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